Friday, February 1, 2013


I am one of those lazy people who think they can write so they create a blog account and then never show up. 
Why? Of course, because they are creatively as barren as the Mojave. 

I created this blog to share my Loser life with the world. This is dedicated to all my Loser brothers and sisters and not-sures out there. Don't feel lonely. There is at least one more of your kind. 

I did have another blog but it turns out I have been there an average of once every year or so. Today I went through all my previous posts and realized a few things. The first thing was a realization about my own nature. I am impulsive. I do react to situations in the spur of the moment. 

Very often I look back on those incidents, like now, and then think "Was I that stupid?" 
Of course I was! Why else would I be writing all that stuff? 

I've written too much for my lazy self already. So I'll try and finish this when I stop beating myself up about being the Loser that I am. 

Loser yawning away!

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