Saturday, March 30, 2013


Life. Journey.
Crossroads. Inevitable.

Indecision? Yes.
Unnecessary? No.

Every now and then in our journey, life throws crossroads at us.
Sometimes with the "Stop All Ways" Sign.
Often with no Directing Arrows.

It is agitating, at times, to not know whether to turn. 
If a turn is for sure, it is agitating to not know in which direction.

Makes you think "Why crossroads?"
Same question as "Why choices?"

Crossroads bring along choices. 
The freedom to take a turn that may make a difference.
The excitement of meeting other travellers.
The possibility of a new destination.

Why not race into wherever the traffic flows?
Because, every now and then, Life wants us to take a chance.

Every now and then, life wants to give us a chance.

Destiny is not written in the stars or in the hands.
Destiny is designed by crossroads.

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